My Plea for Spring..

Been a crazy few weeks all my family has had a bug, that has affected our muscles and caused light fevers, been drinking lots of fluids and herbal teas and infusions. Using neck rubs and trying to get extra sleep. Finding that living on a below shoestring budget is very taxing but spring is coming in the Panhandle and I have been reading a lot about being frugal and being thankful for my every blessing. The road to healing and stress relief is slow and we are all craving spring. My Love has made new nesting boxes for our motley crew of hens and the ducks have an area to nest also. We are getting 3 duck eggs and 2 to 3 hen eggs a day. They are enjoying the outdoors again and  have made the garden a muddy adventure of bug searching and compost pillaging.   The snow is melting and our creek has slowed down to a safe speed. The boys have found that they can float boats in it without falling in,  which has caused them to spend the rest of the day wrapped in warm quilts, after they have pulled themselves out wet and covered in mud. We are hoping that the snow will not fall again until next November and that we will be able to plant or garden and allow the hens and ducks to free range soon. ~Blessing of a Coming Spring


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