Sacredness of a Brothers Love...

When I think of eternal love I find my thoughts and texts being filled by a Sacred man in my life..He is a gift beyond measure. I have held on to his giddiness and his strength through out my life. He is my brother, my most precious friend and strength. He has always loved me no matter our differences in faith and our beliefs. We walk different paths but are still entwined. The promises we make one with another are our own filled with laughter and peace in a rat race world. His words of encouragement and his talent for sarcasm fill my soul with needed healing, when I find myself reaching the limits of my sanity. As my days to coming home get to the last few weeks I find I need him more. We have learned so much about each other and find that we are so the same yet so different. We find that we both have a major love for Bacon, tattoos, self sufficient living, family preservation and oh so much more.  We have made a commitment to love each other Unconditionally, no matter what our beliefs may be. We have enlightened each other with new found knowledge in who we truly are, Wolds. We worry about our families and our world. We talk about our needs, wants and desires. We seek peace and tenderness in a chaotic world. He is a lover of Gemini's and supports their every need no matter what the consequence. I love him.


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