The last of Summer running into the Beginning of Autumn!

Life this summer has been crazy, we have had many deaths.My husbands brother, one of my most Sacred friends was killed by a hit and run driver. This has caused much grief in our family. I have found that we all deal with death in our own way. Some of us fight it and refuse to submit to its pain. Others like me enbrace  it and allow the pain to envelope our souls and help our spirits renew. More on this later if I find myself reminiscing.

We have had a hawk eating our chickens, as of this last week. We have lost 3. This my friends, has made me angry, in a since. I know that nature allows for the weakest to fall but my family lives for the eggs that these creatures produce. I have a very creative daughter who has woven a net over our chicken yard of various colors of yarn, making sure this will not happen again. All day yesterday Sir Hawk circled the yard hoping to find away in. When he realized that this was a useless Quest, he squawked horribly and flew away. Needless to say the chickens have been allowed to live another day, and my yard has now become a beautiful piece of art. Thank you, my Sacred Daughter Kadilyn, and my sons for their help in this issue. You make your Momma Proud.

I have also had a death so to speak in my previous job. My last day is Aug. 30th this would be 7 years in the window & door industry. My body and mind needed a change, not to mention my heart. The stress has effected me in many ways. I found that a job that lacks compassion and the need to console others makes my heart and mind ache for its own healing. I have moved on to a new Calling so to speak at an Alzheimers care unit close to home. The Caregivers are amazing and the residents are so sacred. I feel as though I have stepped into The Lords realm whenever I cross the threshold in to this "job". I really cant call it that, because it heals me as I comfort them, and as I focus on thier nightly needs I realize, this was a "job" sent from Haven.


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