GMO free, and Organic Eating..

It has been an interesting year and now the snow is showing it's face again. I have not updated this blog as I would have liked but will try to do better. We have visions of pure foods in our heads. Fresh meat in our freezer is one of our most needed wants. I have been reading and wanting none GMO meat and foods in my body. I'm so tired of being sick. We have decided as a family that if it is not whole and organic "natural". We will be limiting it from our diet.  Hoping for eating Whole and healthy by next winter. We have decided to limit our "grocery" experience. We will be growing our own food to the best of our ability, and hunting when in season to balance our protein sources. We are limiting the need to over indulge and have decided that if we cant grow it, hunt it or barter for it, it is not necessary. We are no way close to this but have made a conscious effort to not indulge in the unnecessary. I have tried to eat only what my body and mind have deemed safe for my existence.  

I love dessert and now find that eating GF and Organic yummiest is easier then I expected. Last night I was gifted by may husband and son-in-law with Green & Blacks chocolate bars,
  One was 89% chocolate and the other was 65% chocolate and mint, and Organic apple juice with a few Tablespoons of chia added to make a thickened and yummy drink that heals my liver. This kind of dessert can be elaborated by adding to it with other organic ingredients. I personally like the chocolate bar in tiny succulent tempting bites. These two "candy bars" will last me a couple weeks. Frugal and wise if you ask me.  ~Blessing Kim


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