Dreams and Visions..My Early Morning Walks with God...

One morning on my walk with God, my friends and I were conversing as we walked down a country lane. There many pear trees on the Left hand side of the lane but the Right hand side was dark and bare. The ground was glowing with golden leaves. There were many fruit trees on the left hand side that were glowing, the fruit was extremely large and luscious. As we walked, I noticed that the road was very straight   the path was lined with a wooden fence. As we continued to walk the  fruit had been harvested and placed in large mounds. We continued to walk and as I looked down I saw that there was left over fruit, just ripe for the taking. My friends picked up the fruit and consumed it eagerly as though it was the most amazing gift they had ever received. The juice was running down their chins. The fruit which I picked up, I placed in my pockets. There was no weight to this fruit, but my pockets and my spirit glowed with a new knowledge. I did not consume it, it was as if I had already partook of it. My job was to share it with my sacred love and others. As I realized that this was a gift to share and allow others the knowledge I knew I went upon my way. I knew I was to take the most straight path, the on with a multitude of fruit to share. So now I am sharing. May it be the Gospel of Jesus Christ or the knowledge I glean about things to get us ready for what is to come, I will happily share this wisdom.


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