Huckleberry Honey..

I just got a text from my sister Jo and she is Huckleberry picking on Old Dominion Mt. with her family. I asked her to pick me some and I would share my 2 gallons of Raw honey with her. She is willing to share her Huckleberries for Raw honey just as I am willing to share My Raw Honey to get some of her Huckleberries. Man do I love to Barter, I have this and you have that. Hows about we share and now we have both. What a fantastic word "Barter" ( v. bar·tered, bar·ter·ing, bar·ters. v.intr. To trade goods or services without the exchange of money.).   What a blessing to have the ability to do this..With out money in hand one can share their wares and still come away better then they were before. This is my challenge for the rest of this life to see how many treasures I can barter and how many things I can share to make this life and my families and friends more colorful and self sufficient..Why you may as? When we have nothing to barter, we are removing our hope for a new and promising tomorrow.  Besides Bartering is fun think about all the unique things you may end up with. It also gives us the ability to shine and share our wares with others. The Universe has unlimited possibilities and I intend to open my heart and my imagination to all of them..Watch out world this Sweet Potato is on the move... The possibilities are endless.. 


  1. Go Girl go! I love trading and live by the "One mans garbage is another mans treasure" for awhile.

    Thanks for salad, I owe you more eggs:)

  2. We have a new baby...Hunter Orin West 6 lbs 13 oz 19 inches long.


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