Why do we move?

When a family chooses to uproot from one existence to another they open their hearts to new and sometimes scary endeavors. We as a family have had many challenges and through constant prayer and pondering we have found that we must walk by faith not by sight. I have found that even though I am not a powerful woman by any means,  I do know that this move to the new land of Sandpoint Idaho was written in the stars.  We have started a new chapter in our families book of life and now we are traveling a road that has been waiting for us for a life time. We are so excited to go home again and be near our family. My sisters are so excited for us to come home, and our parents have done everything in their power to help us obtain our new Home. Blessings have meet us at every corner and so has adversity, but we know that we are talking a plunge set forth by our Father in Heaven...


  1. Oh how I will miss my friend. But Robert and I have felt it from Our Father in Heaven also that this is the right thing for you. Know that your sacred sister loves you and you have profoundly affected my life and my family...


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