
I was just thinking about the word Thanksgiving. I asked my children what thanksgiving was. I got various answers..The birth of a new baby boy who caries a family name. The ability to dream of a new tomorrow with hopes that it will come true. The knowledge that my family knows without a shadow of a doubt that we will be together forever..The love of our friends and the support of our church. The ability to know when there needes to be a major change in our lives and the knowledge to know that we will be forever taken care of.

I cant wait to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. We will be at our new home with family and friends. I know there will be over 20 people, more then we have seen in our 24 years of marriage at our table at one time. We will be celebrating a time of true Thanksgiving. A dream we have been waiting to take part in for many years. I remember when I was a little girl having everyone over at my Grandma and Grandpa's for Thanksgiving every year. There were delicious and amazing food like, Oyster stuffing, crispy turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with brown sugar & marshmallow's, and oh so much more. I can't wait to spend time with my family reminiscing about the past...


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