Our Sacred Sabbath...

When I think of the Sabbath I think of the Sacred Atonement of My Savior. The shear beauty of his love. Many things I have done and witnessed in this life that without the blessings of the Atonement, I would have surely been in outer darkness. Our Savior knew the plan and has always had his eye on our true intentions. He knows this life would be hard and in some respects unspeakable torment would wrap its arms around the faithful and draw them toward the abyss. We are his True brothers and sisters, and he did not want us lost, so he gave us a road map. The warm love of his embrace and the knowledge of a Savior. Our Sacred Scriptures,  One in Thine Hand. The Bible & The Book of Mormon bring that true knowledge to pass. I know the Truth and I Honor My beliefs. I know my Savior loves me and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the healing power of the Spirit I can be made whole again and again. He is my Rock, My Redeemer, My Brother and My Most Sacred Friend. I love him Eternally. For without  his gifts and blessing I would surly be lost.


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