The Sleeping Giant is Awake... 

Sometimes the Lord sends us offerings and we need to make a big jump..not just a little leap..Something is going down and we need to be ready for major upheaval.. Those of us who are not prepared to the best of our abilities have been feeling the heat. Get it done! 

These words Keeps filling me head. I know I need More practice in the Healing ways,who wants to be a hands on Guinna pig? I need more practice preserving our favorite foods, especially those that we grow and raise, salting, and pickling; this seems to be my favorite form of preserving.

I have been Gathering interesting supplies that we feel are out of the ordinary. I just purchased 200 lbs of Iodized Salt. I found out that each person for a year only needs 25 lbs. So I guess I have enough for my "whole family" and Friends if Necessary. Why 200 lbs of Salt, because the Lord made it ready for my taking, so I took it. Little things like this just keep popping up. Like sutures that I found at the Local CO-OP, the same place I found the salt. They also carry "Fish Antibiotics" which if in an Emergency Situation can be used for human use. This is just The Wise Woman in Me, making sure I have what the Lord knows I can't make on my own. I have came close to making "antibiotics" with my herbal tinctures..but sometimes we need to look out of the box! What am I saying, we always have to look out of the box. Inside the box is dark and cushy and comfortable, which in turn is good sometimes..but It is now time to get out of the Comfort Zone and 'Wake Up'' the World is at War, and we only have a few moments in this life to Prepare for What is to Come..Beware The Zombies..My family and I have long coat tails and they are wrapped around many avenues of Hope. So remember the sleeping Giant has woken up! Now its time to run.


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