ABC's to Herbal learning...Gone muddy...ALOE:

On Saturday of last week I went with Kelly on a “drive about”. We put in around 300 miles that day.  He did his inspections of properties in the area and I studied on my herbal study course, again. I’ve been working on this course for almost 4 years but it seems like a lifetime. I have looked back at notes I have written on the plants that I have become friends with. When I started this course I was very excited but timid all the same. I look back at what I have learned in the past few years and realize that am constantly learning and teaching others the wise woman ways. My friends call and I answer with information that I never thought I would ever remember let alone be able to put into use and be confident to share with others.

~ I’m starting this course again for my benefit and that of others. I could have received my certificate of completion but yet I feel that I need to renew my commitment with myself, my mentor and my beloved plants. This is my renewal story and my gift to those who are willing to listen and renew their commitments to self.



~first plant in this class, so let me tell you what I learned from trial and error.


In 2008 my notes were very vague. Let’s see,  it started something like this:

I bought an Aloe plant, well that plant lived 6 months and rotted off its roots. I was very down trodden and felt like a green thumb failure.

I did harvest the leaves and slice them open with my knife,  like I was told and found this amazing gooey slimy semi liquid. It was an amazing green yellow and had a very medicine soothing smell. I fell in love. Now what it was open and leaking this precious fluid on my counter. All I could think of was catch it and save it. I wrapped it in plastic wrap and it  in my fridge. Still in awe, I though what was this amazing gooey fluid used for?

In the past few years I have used it for steam burns, sun burns, scrapes and bug bites, eczema and just plan simple bumps and booboos.  My son Konner finds that it turns your skin a lovely shade of green yellow. This makes for fun healing. It doesn’t hurt and you can re~paint yourself many times a day. Making for quick healing and cooling of the skin.  

The STORE BOUGHT over the counter stuff is not natural and has added ingredients that some people are allergic too. Please don’t mix up the two. One is alive and healing the other has added ingredients that give you the assumption that this is a convenient product that will speed your healing. They truly are not the same.

~ I love this plant I call her friend. I have tried her as juice and as a sweet drink also. I find her soothing and healing, in her juice form. These are my trials and my errors. We all learn and remember in our own ways.

~More to come on Aloe later.



~Saturday evening when we arrived at My Aunt Pauli’s home. The snow is melting and the earth has received much moisture. Needless to say as I was leaving the confines of our truck, my school room for the day. My binder which holds all my notes and pictures took a walkabout. It planted it’s self in the mud, spine up. I took a deep and exaggerated breath and through tears, I picked up my friend and took her inside and gave her a wipe down. My auntie and Momma giving words of encouragement and gathering the unwanted pages to save until I was ready to add them back to the binder again. Once I got back home and the pages had dried she was easier to clean and needless to say I just kept reading and writing and studying.  What’s a little dirt I always say. Learning the Wise Woman way is a dirty job, and I love getting dirty. By the way we had a wonderful dinner waiting and loving hugs and a beautiful fluffy faced chicken to add to our motley crew of Hens & Roosters. ~ Blessing’ Kim



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