A new look on Valentines Day...

I have been soul searching lately and have been wondering what I want with the rest of this life. We as a family have been looking at many ideas but the same goal is in our hearts.  We want sanctuary. I want a safe haven for my family and my life. I want a place where we have the freedom to live, to grow and to nourish each other for as long as we like without having to pay monthly for a piece of someone else’s earth. It is  hard to dream and try to establish a home on pretence that at any moment it can be taken away. We have space now for an amazing garden, but need to figure out away to have our plants movable if the time comes when we have over stayed our welcome. With the economy the way it is, it is very hard to make ends meet without the self sustainability of “OUR” own land. Not a landlords land. I am not a serf! I am a Gardner, a chicken lover and rescuer, a Wise Woman Herbalist, a protector of things unknown, a lover and a mother, and Grandma and so much more. The labels are old and sticky but unique and sacred.


We have been looking for years for a small Piece of Earth that our family can settle into and enjoy for lifetimes. A place where we can put up a small trailer or yurt or even a tent with a wood stove. Just so we can get established with a garden, and a small farm, water and trees are a must. The seeds are already planted in our minds and hearts. Now to find a way to come up with the money to purchase this place. I have been thinking about this also, this is why I changed the look of my blog. What do I want to do? What can I create that others will enjoy? Is GF brad baking the option? What about herbal preparations, or classes taught to learn how to make your own. What of roommates so to speak those with the same wants and desires willing to help you archive your goal. What about starting a community where we are on a barter system? You need this,  I need that, maybe we can swap? I want to sell my wares at market. My basket carrying arms full, of the produce I have grown in conjunction with this earth. Homemade loaves of GF warm bread to take home and enjoy with fresh honey or preserves. Bundles of flowers wrapped in raffia ribbon. Fresh corn on the cob with a jar of herbal honey butter. Ok! The list is endless. The prospects also endless, now just to find something that was not lost but is wanted with the Lords blessing. The words have been written and the intent established.  Now where is that piece of earth that is looking for me and my family?



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