A Day at home and a Day out..

The weather is warming but the snow is still flitting around. Doing chores and making sure the chickens and ducks are happy. Tomorrow going after a family Silkie chicken. She is out of laying years and my Aunite wants to know if I want to bring her to my "farm" to live out the rest of her glorious days. I told her yes... I keep thinking if this keeps her out of the cooking pot and keeps her happy then so be it. I'm sure my Hens will love her they are a motley crew of misfits that are still laying but they can always use the company.

Thinking about going out with Kelly today and do a drive about he has some jobs to do and I will take my laptop and do some more updating. I really have to work on my ABC of Herbalism course. I've had it for two years and with having to work full time is has been really hard to complete.  Work has slowed down and I now have Fridays off. I now have devoted my 3 day weekends to the Wise Woman Ways of learning. I'm so excited I now have time to learn and grow in my kitchen but especially in my own backyard.


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