Let's talk dirty hands..

The wise woman tradition is not a tradition for those who are afraid to get dirty. Ok you can come In clean but will leave dirty and healthy and have a new meaning to the word work. We dig into the earth for nutrient rich plants that have grown  in our area for healing. Most call then weeds but I call them life.
Just a thought? Walk outside In your barefeet, yes I said barefeet and step on the earth, feel the coolness of it. Oops, sorry. You just got dirty. Deal with it. Now move on if you wish... yes you. The one contemplating about what has just happened. You either like it or hate it. You decide I'll love you no matter what you decide.

Check out susunweed.com if you really want to know the true beginnings of the Wise Woman Tradition. She is amazing this is what I have learned from her and my mothers.


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