The Wisdom of the Crone...

The call of the moon, sometimes is very strong. As I find myself sleeping lately. I dream of the beauty of her. The energy she gives off and the peace I feel in her presence.

We have been having issues with melatonin and sleep regulation. There is a “natural” product on that market that is suppose to help with regulating sleep, we have been trying it this week and have found some relief.

~ BUT I have been reading from Susun Weeds New Menopausal Years “ Sleeping in the dark increases melatonin production, reducing breast cancer risk. Low melatonin levels are strongly linked to cancer. Any light shining while we sleep~ street lights, night light, even the light from a digital clock~ disrupts melatonin production. For health sake sleep in the dark; except when the moon is FULL.”



I Found this Glorious Wise Woman Crone from another Blog and had to share her wisdom.

~ When we age and find that our body is changing at an extreme rate we find that our dreams and needs change just as our bleeding and worry subsides. We honor our true selves and hope for a future that allows for trial and error. We feel the pull of the Earth, we listen to the sounds of the wind and seek the messages in the plants and wild things around us. We ask for silence more often and seek to follow our insight into internal healing and wisdom. As I  find myself gathering my books and pens and pencils and turn my kitchen into a whirl wind of blissful chaos. I find that those around me cheer. I hear words in my head like “she’s awake again, beware the planet feels her presence.” Lately I have not been sleeping well,  so to speak. My dreams and thoughts are on a whirl wind course of new learning and understanding.

I realize that it will only get more exciting as my days go by. My family is use to the craziness and realizes that  this is what feeds my fire. I collect many lovely things that would have been destroyed if my children wouldn’t have brought them home. I collect dreams also, some of them come with great power and abrupt flashes in the night. Others linger with their wisdom for many years. Inside my heart I know that this is the calling of the Crone into my life, she guides me with Grandmothers wisdom. I embrace her with loving arms, her power is running through my veins. I Am CRONE!



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