Ok No More Messing Around..

On my way to work this morning my brain was on fire. "Teach them what you know!" This fraze Kept popping up in my head. Well lets see what do I know. I was trained by many Wise Women on the arts of Nurturing in the Wise Woman Tradition & I am also an Essential Reiki Master. I have no degrees in these arts but knowledge galore, and I am willing to share if you are willing to listen.

My Teachers include my grandmothers Anita & Ada with their rich traditions which have been handed down from their Grandmothers and their Grandmothers. Many Aunts, Two in particular AKA My Aunt Polly & My Aunt Pearl, My Momma, and a few Wise Women who's paths I have fallin in to. Such as Susun Weed from Woodstock New York she is an acclaimed writer and teacher of the Wise Woman Tradition. Sally & Eagle Song from the Pacific Northwest Sacred Wise Women and Moon Circle Sisters, Belladonna my dear friend and Sister Reiki Master. My Blessed Soul Sister Joanie and so many more in which It would take me days to list. I will do my best to continue on with these traditions. Now who wants to listen and be nurtured in the Wise Woman Tradition.


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