Teas & Bliss..

~ I look at myself in the mirror, and realize that I am growing more beautiful with each heartfelt look. I’m not talking about on the outside, but yet I have seen changes there also. Mostly on the inside. I have been faithful in my studies and my techniques in the Wise Woman Ways, not to mention my outlook on life in general. I find more time for prayer and contemplation, it is paying off. With each herbal tea or infusion I drink my body heals just a little bit more. Spring is coming with a heart full of hope for a wonderful new birth of rich weeds, fresh duck and chicken eggs, and hopefully a goat or two for the milking. I seek the  glorious wisdom and generalized peace for whatever may come. I am finding myself worrying less and loving more. No matter what may come, I know that I am strong and knowledgeable in the workings of the Wise Woman who works hand in hand with the teachings of the Universe. When I am gentle with myself and remember from where I came and realize that I have been given generations of wisdom from my Grandmothers. This inspires me to look in word and reclaim the knowledge that is my destiny. As I dream and look in word I find that  my curiosity with all things herbal started as soon as I could poor sun warmed water in a bucket of chamomile flowers, and dye my undies yellow. The smell of the warm flowers steeping in the bucket was so alluring. When I realized I could actually drink the tea I was lost in this world forever. I have never looked back.




  I found that Gram’s piece of earth held many prospects of flower and water concoctions.

~Rose petals in a cup of warm water made a lovely sweet tea that turned the water an amazing shade of rosy red. The taste was amazing, and if you put this on your skin or rinsed your hair with it the smell lingered for days. Needless to say I was hooked. I call myself a flower child as does my mother and my Gram. When she was alive, I used her knowledge and her wisdom and had an amazing time of learning and sampling the treasures of her garden.  If the flower was a healer as Gram would call it I would eat it. We always went on weed walks, and mushroom hunts. We brought back the most amazing treasures. I painted my skin with the mud from the creek which Gram and I had just gathered hours before. She would add herbs to it for aches and pains in our muscles, and to draw poison or splinters out of our skin. It was also used for sun burns and childhood acne. I even remember Gram French braiding my hair and covering it with this lovely scented mud. I played outside till it dried, then She would rinse my hair and it shined like the sun and was so soft. ~Bliss


At night time we would receive a cup of “ sleepy time tea” Lavender flowers were mixed with cinnamon and chamomile, we sipped this as she sang and read to us from her Black rocking chair. Then we were tucked into the large feather bed and usually slept till morn. Lavender flowers help you sleep or at least relax you enough to sleep. ~ Sweet Dreams, Bonnie Babes


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