Snow, Snow, and Sickness..

What a busy 3 days, the snow fell from Thursday night to Sunday morning, we received around 21 inches. It is beautiful watching the snow fall, my boys had their hands full with shoveling. Without this we would have been snowed in till spring. We are suppose to get another 10 inches by the end of this coming weekend. It was a closed in sleepy type of weekend. Kelly was sick all weekend and is still feeling worse for the wear. Hopefully he will start feeling better in a few days. He was taken care of in the Wise Woman way as always. He was warmed by herbal infusions, chamomile and red clover. He was steamed by mixing elecampane & mint and his neck and sinuses were messaged by a mixture of coconut oil & peppermint. He loves to have hot packs applied to his sore neck muscles. He was feeling a lot better by Sunday afternoon. He wanted to help the boys in their snow removal effort, but 5 min. of shoveling started to make him cough and wheeze. So needless to say I sent him back to bed with more herbal infusion. He was feeling a little better this morning, but I still worry he will not let himself rest.


Resting is so important. Without this, we can’t heal fully. We try to be everything to everyone even when we can no longer sustain ourselves. When the need to heal over comes the need to make money, remove snow, or just plain walk to the couch, we think of ourselves as weak and unproductive. We are to be weak and unproductive. This is our body telling us,  it can no longer keep up with the simple task of healing without the help of sleep. My Gram use to tell me that you cannot heal if you do not sleep. I have found this to be true, way to many times. When we have colds or infections that can be spread we need to make sure that we don’t infect others. When you have a fever, you are contagious. There are many herbals that can help with fever, but sometimes if it is low grade it is needed to help the bugs go way. I have found that if it is over 102’ degrees it is time for some cool catnip tea or some spearmint tea. Konner loves to be rubbed down in a light peppermint lotion and he loves to drink catnip tea with peach juice. Then I wrap him in a warm blanket, and snuggle him for awhile. This is very soothing for children and adults.


Our ducks have been laying up to 3 eggs a day. I so do love duck eggs, they are so full of nutrition. I made GF French bread this weekend which we dipped in garlic and red pepper infused olive oil.  I also made rice burgers which we had with lentil soup. My family loves to drink herbal teas, which we enjoy, as we watched the snow come down. ~ Blessings Kim


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