Being Held Sacred..

It’s been a hard week, and it’s only Tuesday. I’ve been fighting back issues again. Got up on Friday morning and was bent over like an old crone. I may be a crone, just not an old one. I have been resting my discs but have found that sometimes resting gets in the way of other priorities. Sometimes I find that the world has slowed down and I receive my kick in the butt so to speak. I think this is linked to the flu that is going around. Neck hurts and joints and muscles don’t seem strong enough to support the necessary functions of my bones. I wish I could just stay in bed and heal,  but work is necessary. Driving makes my back think it gets a break then I have to get out of the car and walk. Nuff said…


Let’s see, the Wise Woman in me says; rest, relax, water and healing infusions, warm blanket and cold packs, but between the Menopausal  power surges and the chills I find that it is a hot cold situation. Put on the Ice pack, wrap in the quilt, drink warm infusion and think spring. I celebrate the days when I can study and write about beauty…let’s see what did I learn from Rosemary Gladstar’s Family Herbal as I was lounging on the couch this weekend. I found that each Herbalist has a basic First Aid Kit. I have found that my kit needs to be reevaluated and new concoctions made. Oh what fun this next weekend will be. I also read that a healthy beauty routine is needed to feel not only beautiful but to be in control of my own health. She has an amazing set of beauty products that can be made at home. From face grains, astringent, steam herbs, and lotions. I can’t wait to work on these this weekend.



As I walk the land where I live. I have found, even under the snow, which has blanketed everything in sight. Many amazing allies that are still growing and wanting to share their winter wisdom. The pines are enveloped in snow and ice but still offer themselves for tea and vinegar. The Rose hips are calling my name and ask for me to gather them for vitamin c. There are small greens that are showing their face, saying pick me I will make you strong and help you through the winter. Time to listen. As the pain fades, I understand just what it means to be Held Sacred. ~Kim





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